
Pipelines are just BASH script files under the dir:


Built-in pipelines

Bashtic comes with built-in pipelines that cover the basic restic commands:

  • backup

  • check

  • forget

  • restore

These can be invoked simply:

bashtic backup
bashtic check
bashtic forget
bashtic restore --to DIR --snapshot ID

Note a restore requires the to and snapshot arguments to make any sense.

The default pipeline

The special pipeline name of default acts as the default pipeline if you run bashtic without specifying one:


This will run the pipeline at ~/.config/bashtic/pipelines/default.

Custom pipelines

To create your own pipeline simply create a file in the following dir:


The filename is the name of your pipeline. So if we create an empty pipeline:

touch ~/.config/bashtic/pipelines/mypipeline

We can then run it:

bashtic mypipeline

Bashtic is designed to give you as much control as possible to create your own workflows. To understand what’s possible we’ll describe the manner in which we launch your pipelines from bashtic:

  • The BASH Environment

  • Safety

  • Error handling

  • Examples

BASH Environment

Your pipeline will inherit all the variables set in your current location and backend configuration e.g. to, from, path etc. See configuration to explore them.

Environment variables that restic uses will be appropriately set based on your current location and backend configuration. This allows you to script your own calls to restic if needed and have it automatically pick up the right settings. The exact list of variables set is:





Bashtic makes several BASH functions available to you to perform typical restic operations:

  • bashtic_backup

  • bashtic_check

  • bashtic_forget

  • bashtic_restore

All the variables set in your location and backend configuration will also be available in your environment e.g. to, from etc. However you do not need to worry about overwriting them (see safety below).

Seperately any variables with the prefix custom_ that are assigned in your location and backend configuration files will also be available in your pipeline.

The bashtic_restore function allows you to specify additional flags to pass to the restic restore cmd, specify them in the restore_flags array, e.g.

restore_flags+=("--include" "$HOME/.*")                # Restore dotfiles
restore_flags+=("--include" "$HOME/Pictures/*")        # Restore pictures


To prevent accidents when you call a bashtic function it’s first action is to restore the configuration of the current location and backend(s) in case these variables were overwritten by your pipeline.

For example even if your pipeline accidentally clobbered the forget policy:

forget=() # whoops, but actually it's safe

The bashtic_forget function will retrieve the real forget variable from the current location and use it instead. This means you don’t need to worry about how you name your variables and bashtic does not need to put any restrictions on your pipelines.

Error handling

The bashtic functions will exit if anything goes wrong inside them to prevent accidents. Error handling in the rest of the pipeline is entirely up to you.


Let’s allow locations to use a custom_file_copy array variable to define files that should be copied in the clear to the same location as our repo.

Imagine a location configuration:


We omit the backend configuration as it’s trivial here.

We can now write a pipeline to copy the files in custom_file_copy before the backup:

if [[ "${#custom_file_copy[@]}" -le 0 ]]; then
  echo "No files were specified for copying!"
for fc in "${custom_file_copy[@]}"
  cp --preserve "$fc" "$path/../" || exit 1
if [[ "$copied" != "true" ]]; then
  echo "We failed to copy anything!" ; exit 1


As a bonus we abort if no files were specified and we run a backup, check, forget and check again. Note the use of path to find the restic repository, this was set by the backend configuration.